We want to make information accessible to everyone
Service Complaints
A complaint is a representation from a member of the public or an organisation that the Service has either failed to do something, done something wrong or acted unfairly or discourteously.
Matters exceeding more than 12 months prior to the complaint being submitted will not be dealt with unless there are good reasons for the delay.
Dealing with your complaint
The Service Complaints Officer will be responsible for dealing with your complaint and for preparing a response to you on the results of the investigation. As part of that process, an independent Complaint Investigation Officer will be appointed, whose aim will be to establish the facts surrounding your complaint, by interviewing relevant witnesses and parties involved.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within three working days of the Service receiving it.
Complaints are usually dealt with, and a reply sent, within one month of receipt.
If this is not possible, we will write to you before the month has passed, giving you a progress report and telling you when to expect a full reply.
Please read our 'How to Complain' booklet for further information.
If you want to complain please either:-
- Write to the Service Complaints Officer at the above address, or
- Telephone the Service Complaints Officer on the number above, or
- Email details to the Service Complaints Officer at complaints@esfrs.org.
Member Conduct Complaint
The Authority is responsible for considering complaints that a Member may have breached the Code of Conduct.
If you want to complain about the conduct of a Member of the Fire Authority you must submit your complaint in writing to:-
The Standards Panel, East Sussex Fire Authority, at the above address
While you are not obliged to do so, you may wish to submit your complaint on the form provided below form and, if you know it, specify the section of the Code alleged to have been breached.
Fire Safety Concerns and Complaints
Outside of the normal working hours the 01737 242444 number can be used to make fire safety complaints.
Email firesafety.complaints@esfrs.org at any time with any fire safety concerns such as blocked fire escapes.
Bogus Fund Raising Calls
Bogus Fund Raising phone calls from people claiming to be from, or working on behalf of the Fire & Rescue Service are becoming increasingly common.
The callers target people and organisations and encourage them to invest large sums of money in supposed good causes or advertising on the basis of a fraudulent connection to the Fire & Rescue Service.
Our advice is:
- Always take a name.
- Always take a telephone contact number.
- Never make a payment or commitment without taking time to think about the offer (Where the caller or person applies pressure for a quick deal, fails to be cooperative or refuses any information, this behaviour should indicate an unreliable situation).
- If in doubt inform Trading Standards (the Fire & Rescue Service cannot make complaints on behalf of other people).
Contact Details
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service
Church Lane
East Sussex
Telephone - 0303 999 1000
Fax - 01323 725 574
Minicom - 01323 462 003