On these pages you can find advice on everything you need to know about fire safety law and your responsibilities as a business owner or a responsible person.
New to Fire Safety? Start here and follow our 5-steps to creating your fire risk assessment
Free Introduction to Business Safety Course Aimed at employers and people who own or manage a business premises.
It is designed to get you up to speed on Fire Safety Law. Find out more about the course
Contact us Fire Safety offices' contact details
Responsible Person (RP), Accountable Person (AP) and the Principal Accountable Person (PAP) for such buildings are legally required to create and maintain certain essential documents.
What is an Automatic fire alarm (AFA) versus an Unwanted fire alarm signal (UwFS) and what are the legal responsibilities of managing fire protection measures in a building?
Early consultation with the fire service when planning or designing buildings is recommended. We offer free good will fire safety advice and business support
Evidence suggests that sprinklers can control, contain, or even extinguish a property fire in the early stages of development before the arrival of the fire rescue service.
An interactive tool to help small business owners understand their legal duties for fire safety in the workplace’.
If you are the ‘responsible person’ you have a legal responsibility to manage the fire protection measures.
Fire safety is one of many safety issues the responsible person must deal with to minimise the risk of injury or death to staff or the public.
We focus on fire safety under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in the licensing consultation process. For license applications via local authorities, refer to our Licensing Act Application Guidance
To help you comply with fire safety law, we offer Primary Authority Partnerships to provide reliable and consistent regulatory support.
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Advice and information on how to make sure your business is safe from fire and gain confidence that you are complying with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Regular updates keep you informed of activities and events. Visit the Group page here