The East Sussex Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Local Pension Board
The Public Service Pensions Act 2013 introduced key provisions on scheme governance in relation to the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme and other public service pension schemes.
As a result the Fire Authority as a scheme manager for the FPS is required to have in place a local pension board.
The role of the board is to assist the scheme manager in complying with all the legislative requirements making sure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
Governance arrangements
Function | Responsible Body |
National Level | |
Provision of advice to the responsible authority, scheme manager and Local Pension Board. | Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG). |
Provision of advice to the responsible authority, scheme manager and Local Pension Board. | Pension Advisory Board. |
Regulation of all work-based pensions. | The Pension Regulator (under the Department of Works & Pensions) |
Local Level | |
Scheme Manager for East Sussex Firefighters’ Pension Scheme. | East Sussex Fire Authority. |
Operation of the Scheme and the exercise of discretions. | Chief Fire Officer & Chief Executive (discretions in consultation with the Treasurer). |
Accountable Principal Officer. | Deputy Chief Officer. |
Day to day management of the scheme. | Assistant Director People Service Payroll Pensions and HR Assurance Manager |
Administration of the scheme. | West Yorkshire Pension Fund (Bradford) |
Provision of advice and support to the Scheme Manager to secure compliance with scheme regulations and other relevant legislation, and with any matters imposed by the Pension Regulator. | Local Pension Board |
Key documents & useful links
- More about the role of the employer and Member Representatives
- Code of practice no. 14 – Governance and administration of public service pension schemes
- The Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014
- A quick guide for public service pension board members
- S1 465 - The Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Governance) Regulations 2015
The Pensions Regulator
The Pensions Regulator is the UK regulator of work-based pension schemes. Their website has information about everything to do with work-based pension schemes.
Members of the East Sussex Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Local Pension Board for 2023/24
The board members work with the Fire Authority in its role as a scheme manager to make sure that the pension scheme is being properly run and that members receive the best service.
The board must have an equal number of employer representatives and scheme member representatives and elects a chair person from its members.
- Councillor Paul Redstone (Chair)
- Councillor Chris Dowling
- Councillor Trevor Muten
- Matt Lloyd (Fire Officers’ Association)
- Mark Matthews (Fire Leaders' Association)
- Simon Herbert (Fire Brigades’ Union)
The political balance rules do not apply to the Board as it is not a ‘committee’ for the purposes of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
The Local Pension Board is not a decision-making body and is not a Panel of the Authority. However, in order that the deliberations of the Board can be brought formally to the Fire Authority, the Board reports to the Scrutiny & Audit Panel.
Professional Support to the Board
- Duncan Savage – AD Resources/Treasurer
- Liz Woodley – Deputy Monitoring Officer
- Democratic Services
Professional support will also be given by other Officers of East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and Partner organisations as necessary.