Icons and artwork
All logos, including the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service logo and East Sussex Fire Authority logo, are the copyright of East Sussex Fire Authority. East Sussex Fire Authority owns the copyright of its logos, service badge and all other promotional logos. Unauthorised use of these by others is prohibited unless written permission is provided.
Photos, videos and posters
The material on our website - including leaflets, photos, videos and posters - is the copyright of East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service unless otherwise specified.
We welcome interest in our work and will generally accept requests to reproduce our logo, publications, photographs, images and graphics if we own the copyright, are properly credited and the use is for non-commercial purposes. Please note that permission will be given on the following conditions:
- It is reproduced accurately and we are identified as the source
- It is used for the purpose originally sought, is not be sold or passed to a third party
- It must not be used to suggest we support or endorse products or initiatives unless we have specifically agreed to this
- It is not used in any way that is likely to mislead
- Photos/graphics etc are not to be digitally altered
- If the information will be in circulation for more than 1 year, please include the following statement: "Correct as of (DATE). Please visit the ESFRS website to check for the latest information www.esfrs.org"
- Permission can be withdrawn and the agreement terminated at any time.
Permission Form
If you are happy to accept our conditions above, please fill a Permission Form
If we agree to your request, we will also sign the form to indicate our acceptance and return it to you. Our signed acceptance will be a licence for you to reproduce our material subject to our terms and conditions.
If you are part of an organisation which works in partnership with us, permission to use our logo or other copyright materials can be sought via the form or through your contact within ESFRS.
If you are a supplier or contractor and wish to use our logo, please note that you are not allowed to use the Authority name, logo, or information about any work you may have performed for us, in any sort of promotional material, without prior approval.
Appropriate clauses are usually included in the relevant tender and contract documentation to cover such issues. Please use the form if you wish to apply retrospectively for permission.
All visitors to this site view and use all functions at their own risk. East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS) gives no warranty, either expressed or implied, that this site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site is free of viruses and accepts no liability for any consequential damage caused to the user or their property, computer-based or otherwise, or software or data, however caused, as a result of their visit to or use of the site.
While the Service tries hard to maintain accuracy, and to make sure information in this site is up to date, it accepts no liability for problems arising from the data contained in it.