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National Standards

National professional Standards are a key component of continuous improvement in any sector. They form a point of focus, against which performance can be measured and further improvement or new requirements be identified. 

In short, they identify “what good looks like”. Read more about the fire standards

Code of Ethics 

Following the publication in May 2021 of a new Core Code and guidance, East Sussex Fire Authority and East Sussex Fire and Rescue is committing itself to embedding the five key principles in its work.

  • Putting our communities first – we put the interest of the public, the community and service users first.
  • Integrity – we act with integrity including being open, honest and consistent in everything we do.
  • Dignity and respect - making decisions objectively based on evidence, without discrimination or bias.
  • Leadership – we are all positive role models, always demonstrating flexibility and resilient leadership. We are all accountable for everything we do and challenge all behaviour that falls short of the highest standards.
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) – We continually recognise and promote the value of EDI both within the FRSs and the wider communities in which we serve. We stand against all forms of discrimination, create equal opportunities, promote equality, foster good relations, and celebrate difference.  

Our Commitment

Our behaviour is central to effectively serving our community. We will ensure the resources, policies and procedures are in place, so our organisation acts in accordance with the Core Code.

Through adhering to the Core Code, we will strive to create a positive, responsible, innovative, open, and challenging working environment in which ability and delivery is valued, encouraged, developed, recognised, and rewarded.

We are committed to continually improving the behaviours within the sector at all levels and ensuring that employees treat each other with humanity, dignity, and respect.

We will always act appropriately to address behaviour which falls below the standards set in the Core Code.