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Project Pictogram

We support Project Pictogram – can you? 

We are looking for businesses, organisations, schools and individuals to help reduce the number of collisions we have on the roads. 

  • Four factors are present in almost all of the ‘Killed or Serious Injury’ (KSI) collisions on UK roads - the tragically titled ‘Fatal Four’. 
  • These same four driver behaviour habits also cause the majority of the “minor” collisions which occur on our roads on a daily basis. 

Pictogram - Driving Safer Roads, is a simple concept. It aims to provide uniformity of messaging around ‘The Fatal Four’ through an ‘Industry Standard’ set of pictograms which can be added to vehicles. 

It also includes messages around the importance of leaving the right amount of space between vehicles when on the move. You may know this as the "2 Second Rule".

Get in touch

We would like to hear from you if you would like to support us. We know not everyone will be able to afford to add stickers and imagery to their vehicles and so we will provide supplies in some cases.


Supporters list

Anyone who joins up will be on our Supporters List - something we hope you will be proud of!

These pictograms are available Copyright Free for use in the promotion of road safety and fatality reduction.

Promoting Road Safety

These pictograms enable business fleet operators, brands, driving schools, colleges and schools, charities, community groups, sports clubs, and anyone else engaging in the promotion of community road safety to make no/low cost additions to their own fleet back-doors, company cars, brand advertising material, event programs, product packaging or social media. 

Collectively adding these pictogram stickers to the back doors of our vehicles gives motorists numerous opportunities to see these key road safety messages on every journey, at the very time and place they are most relevant - on the road! 

The Behavioural Psychology which underpins Project Pictogram is well proven at delivering large scale group behaviour changes through frequent but subtle ‘Nudges’ which is what the pictograms deliver. 

Collectively, by aligning to this ‘Industry Standard’ for road safety priority communication, we can create a movement for positive change on the roads we all share.

About Pictogram 

Pictogram is a fleet, business and road safety initiative which Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service is pleased to endorse and support.

Pictogram guidelines and artwork

Copyright free resources for the use in the promotion of road safety:

Read more and download the branding guidelines and packs from Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service