Fire Safety at Home
There are plenty of things you can do to protect your home from fire. Why not start by doing an online fire safety check. We have plenty of other information and advice.

6-Steps to a safer home
There are many ways you can lower the chance of having a fire, or what to do if a fire does happen. These six easy steps can really help make your home safer.

Causes of Fires in the Home
The three main things that cause fires are smoking
electrical problems
Small things can make a real difference in your home, keeping you and your loved ones safer.
Book a home safety visits or find out about some of the things you can do yourself.
This easy-to-follow home fire safety check that will take you through your home one room at a time, simple questions will help you spot fire risks as you go.
For people who provide care and support in the community, sign up to the Care Providers Fire Safety Scheme