Welcome to our collection of ‘Safety in Action’ educational resources.
These materials are aimed at the year 6 children that are unable to attend our hands-on ‘Safety in Action’ events.
We want to share important messages, to keep children safe as they move onto secondary school and greater independence.
Some of the ideas and materials can be adapted for children of other ages.
So have a look at the different topic areas, and encourage children to join in our virtual ‘Safety in Action’.
Safety in Action events promote Fire Safety by helping children understand how to act in an emergency situation to keep themselves, friends and members of the public safe.
Research shows that children below the age of 12 years find it difficult to judge speeds that a car is travelling towards them. This has implications for safe road crossing.
Safety in Action events promote Road Safety with the support of Sussex Police, Brighton & Hove Buses and Brighton & Hove City Council.
Stopping Distances
Click on the image to download the stopping distances worksheet
Road Safety Leaflets
Click on the images to download the road safety leaflets
Step Up
‘Thank you to Sussex Safer Roads Partnership for providing the Step Up resources.
If you would like to request a physical copy of the Step Up leaflet, please contact SSRP via their website www.sussexsaferroads.gov.uk’
Safety in Action events promote Water Safety with the support of Wave Leisure, Hastings and Eastbourne Voluntary Lifeguards, RLSS & RNLI.
The RLSS Sussex Branch www.rlss-sussex.co.uk has many members in East Sussex who can help and offer advice at this current time. Practical help and training can also be given.
You can also find more water safety advice at www.rlss.org.uk/pages/category/water-safety-information
Water Safety Leaflets
Click on the images to download the road safety leaflets