The Firefighters Pension Schemes (2015, 2006 and 1992) are statutory schemes. The rules and regulations governing the schemes are laid down by the Government.
There are some provisions of the schemes that are discretionary. Discretionary powers allow employers such as East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS) to choose how, or if, they apply certain provisions.
The discretion document aims to summarise the discretions that ESFRS exercise as an employer in relation to the Firefighters Pension Schemes (2015, 2006 and 1992) and was last updated to reflect the new regulations from 1st April 2015.
The discretion policy applies to all employees of ESFRS who are in, are eligible to join, or have been a member of the Firefighters Pension Schemes 2015, 2006 and 1992.
Policy Provisions
The discretions have been grouped under the following headings:
- Joining ESFRS
- During your employment with ESFRS
- Leaving your employment with ESFRS
- Adjustments to your pension rights following ill health
- Loss of pension rights as a result of a fraudulent activity, dismissal or conviction of certain offences
- Re-employment following retirement
- Following your divorce
- Following your death
The pension discretions within this policy were approved by the Corporate Management Team on 7th August 2015. All pension discretions will be reviewed at least on a 4 yearly basis, or as and when circumstances change.