All new recruits to the Fire Service become members of the Firefighters Pension Scheme (FPS) 2015 which is a Career Average Revalued Earnings Scheme (CARE).
Your employer has to enrol you in FPS 2015 when you take up a new contract as a firefighter, or after three years if you previously opted out.
Please note that if you previously opted out following an auto or re-enrolment, but now wish to opt back into the FPS 2015, you can do so by completing the opt-in form below.
If you want to opt out you can do so at any time even if you have opted out before.
You will need to complete the opt-out form and return this immediately to the Payroll Department so that they can carry out the necessary actions to remove you from the Scheme and, where applicable, arrange for the pension contributions you have paid into the Scheme to be refunded to you.
You can ask to cancel your membership any time after your request. Otherwise, we will just cancel it from the start of the next pay period.
Please note, however, that any opt-out form that has been completed before you commence your employment cannot be accepted and you will have to make a further election on or after the date your employment commences if you do wish to opt out.