Following a serious fire or other emergency, you could lose customers, that could eventually lead to subsequent failure of your business.
Any business, no matter how small, can take simple and straightforward measures now to make their business more resilient from fire and a wide range of other risks.
There is a wealth of information available to help you.
You could start with the information toolkit published by Government.In addition you can contact one of our local Fire Safety Offices for help and assistance.
Sussex Resilience Forum
You may not be aware but property protection and Business continuity planning are not covered by fire safety legislation and regulation.
Current legislation only requires that buildings meet minimum standards for life safety.
Buildings must be designed to ensure that in case of fire;
- there is suitable early warning;
- other measures will enable occupants to safely escape and that
- the building will allow Fire & Rescue Services to carry out rescue work for a limited period.
The Sussex Resilience Forum works to make Sussex a safer place for the whole community under the remit of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
Sussex Resilience Forum - Business Survival - Part 1
Sussex Resilience Forum - Business Survival - Part 2
Useful Links
More information is available from:
- The Sussex Resilience Forum
- East Sussex County Council Planning for Emergencies (Business Continuity)
- Brighton & Hove City Council Business Continuity page
- Free Business Continuity Management Software - RISC Authority
- Association of British Insurers
- Fire Protection Association
- Business Continuity Institute
- Department of Trade and Industry
- Home Office
- Emergency Planning Society
- Institute of Risk Management
- British Damage Management Association
- Continuity Central
- Your insurance broker or company
Specific advice on counter terrorism measures can be found at:
- Via the Counter Terrorist Security Advisor at your local police force.