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Educational resources for schools, teachers and home educators

Link to the Staywise website

We offer a range of support to help teachers and home educators promote the safety of their children and young people.

StayWise is national resource full of engaging activities for children and young people to learn about all manner of safety topics and includes a variety of teaching resources too, including lesson packs. Registration is free, as are all the resources. The videos below give some tips on finding the resources you need to help you make the most out of the website.

KS1 & KS2 activity booklets

For primary-aged children, we have produced age-appropriate activity booklets for KS1 & KS2 that cover our key safety messages. To request copies for your class, e-mail or download them at


Our Firewise scheme, which is our intervention scheme for any young person where there are concerns about fire – such as a fascination with fire, a fear of fire, deliberating setting off fire-alarms or fire-setting. To make a referral or to find out more, visit or e-mail

We may also visit schools and home educated groups if there are specific safety concerns, such as a recent incident in the community.