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Strategies, Plans and Performance Information

In order to ensure we deliver the local and national priorities, the Purpose and Commitments are delivered through a number of key documents within the organisation.

This assists our employees to understand how they contribute, where they fit and what they must do to achieve our purpose and commitments and, ultimately, our vision. 

Our planning documents are interlinked and contain specific actions as to how we will achieve our targets.

Community Risk Management Planning (CRMP)

Community Risk Management Planning (CRMP) ensures that we understand the risks faced by our communities and that we are taking appropriate action to reduce and to deal with those risks. 


Annual plan

This Plan reports on what we have achieved and what we aim to achieve to meet our aims and objectives for the forthcoming year.

Annual Plan 2024-25

Previous reports are available on request

Medium Term Financial Plan

Medium Term Financial Plan sets out our current level of resources available to our communities and aims to show you what we intend to do in the future.

Directorate Business Plans

Each of our Directorate Business Plans describes in more detail how departments are working to deliver our Corporate Plan.

Performance Reports and Data

Local attendance standards 

Whenever you call us in an emergency, your call comes into our Joint Fire Control, which then mobilises the nearest or most appropriate fire appliance, along with any other specialist vehicles/officers depending upon the problem.

The Fire Authority has set the following attendance standards: 

  • For the first fire engine with an ‘on-station’ response - 10 minutes 70% of the time
  • For the first fire engine with an ‘on-call’ response - 15 minutes 70% of the time 

These are reported quarterly and can be found in the quarterly performance reports below. 

National response times

The Home Office collates information on response times which is published here.

In comparison to all England, fire services classed as significantly rural and our neighbouring fire and rescue services our comparative figures are presented below. Please note ESFRS is classed as significantly rural.  

  Average Response times to dwelling fires Average response times to road vehicles
All England 7m 52 seconds 9m 48 seconds
Significantly rural fire services 8m 54 seconds 10m 59 seconds
ESFRS 8m 14 seconds 9m 39 seconds
Kent FRS 8m 51 seconds 10m 54 seconds
Surrey FRS 9m 04 seconds 10m 43 seconds
West Sussex FRS 8m 49 seconds 10m 38 seconds 

Incident data files

The files below contains information on all incidents since April 2013.

They are large Comma Separated Values (CSV) data files and you will need a program to be able to use them.

Microsoft Excel would be one choice but a number of other programs can also be used.

Information about using CSV files with Microsoft Excel can be found on the Microsoft Office help website.

Incident Data 2024

Incident Data 2023

Incident Data 2022

Incident Data 2021

Incident Data 2020

Incident Data 2019

Incident Data 2018

Incident Data 2017

Group Fire Data

2020-21 - Group Fire Data

2021-22 - Group Fire Data